Some exciting news on the Queensland Adventure Racing scene to be announced recently is the hand over of the City Raid and Hells Bells 24hr Adventure Race series from Geocentric to the all new adventure events company Dare You Adventure. Dare You Adventure are headed up, in part, by team Rogue”s friend Robbie Andrews from […]

Prepateller Bursitis a.k.a. An $820 Knock on the Knee
Injuries suck. I guess that is a statement of the obvious, but for me, they are probably the most frustrating aspect of adventure racing. Not so much for the pain they cause, but the time lost during recovery which could be spent running and riding around in the bush. Over the past few years, I’ve […]

Begin Countdown…
Was just doing a quick check in at the Godzone Adventure Race website this morning when I realised it is now officially 100 days until the race starts. Time to start ramping up the training I guess. Anyone keen for a New Years Day ride?

Welcome to Rogue Adventure!
So here we are. The birth of this site has been in the back of my mind for a while now. A place to gather all the race reports, team photos and event calendars. A place to promote the races we organise and advertise upcoming weekend training missions. Possibly even a means to grow and […]