Despite having spent close to a decade organising rogaine format adventure racers, opportunities to race them myself have been few and far between. In fact, the recent Mojo Raid represents only my second time as a competitor, the first being the Mojo event last year. Taking on a leadership role in the Raid Adventures series […]
UTA100 View From the Pointy End
Past Rogue Adventure team mate Justin Whitley joined myself and a motley crew of other Brioche trail runners from Brisbane for an assault on the UTA100 course. Below is his race report from his unique view towards the front of the field, finishing an incredible 16th place in a field of over 1300 runners in […]
GeoQuest Report
Just a quick update back from GeoQuest. If there were any doubts that this race is the premier AR on the Australian calendar, they were resoundingly quashed with the 2016 event. Geocentric Outdoors have their event organisation dialed to a tee. Two sets of maps, new control flags that reflected in the dark, a genuine […]
Dark(side) Rumminations
I sat on the fence for a little while about whether to pull a race report together for the Darkside 18hr race this year. The reality is it would be easy to churn out another standard report about what happened during the race. A stage by stage account of how Ray nearly slept through the […]
Coastal High 50 Report
Despite regularly run training for years, I still don’t think of myself as a runner, but just something I do as a by-product of rogaining and adventure racing. I’ve tried my hand at a few trail running races up to 50km in length in the past (never a road race though) and sit comfortably in […]
Team Rogue Podium at Expedition Alaska
If I had to sum up my experience at Expedition Alaska in a single word, it would be Raw. Alaska is certainly a spectacular canvas for an adventure race with a vast expanse of trackless mountains, roaring rivers and wilderness terrain, all waiting to be explored. All the pre-race information released by the event organizers […]
Nudity Optional
GeoQuest is my favourite weekend of racing every year. With the Expedition Alaska start line just around the corner, a lot of my energy has been put towards preparing the gear and travel for this race, and I didn’t have much time to focus on GeoQuest. I knew I didn’t want to miss the race […]
The Rogue Wrap Up for 2015
So the Rogue Adventuregaine is a wrap after another successful addition in 2015. Setting records as the largest edition of the Rogue yet, 102 teams across the 8 hour and 24 hour took to the water-ways, trails and hills of the Somerset region in spectacular autumn weather. Touted as one of the most strategic and […]
Urban Rogue Wrap Up
A classic Brisbane summer storm sweeping through the CBD last Friday evening wasn’t enough to deter over 150 competitors from taking on the Urban Rogue. A 3hr metrogaine under the Friday night city lights, the Urban Rogue represents the last chance for rogainers to test their navigation and legs on the 2014 calendar. It was […]
Dirty Diaper
I had a recent request from the organisers of the Diaper Creek rogaine to pull a race report together. Given the quality of the area and course setting, along with the great event we had, the task certainly isn’t a chore. In fact, the only disappointment for the whole weekend was that I felt there […]